Friday, 23 September 2011

Why I started this blog

My daughter is 9 months old and has a milk protein allergy. I realised several months ago that she couldn't tolerate even a tiny amount of formula milk (I was breastfeeding exclusively but using formula to make up baby rice) - but my concerns were dismissed by the health visitor. It was only this week that she was finally given a prescription for hypoallergenic formula (and she won't drink it due to the bitter taste!).

Having spent some time on the internet researching the subject, I found similar themes coming up time and again. Namely, it taking months for a diagnosis to be made, and finding it very difficult to be taken seriously by health professionals, or get a referral to an allergy clinic or dietician.

There also seems to be a lack of information online about how to wean a baby who can't have dairy products. I am very concerned that my daughter has enough calcium and other nutrients, as I'm sure any mum would be.

The aim of this blog is to bring together the disparate sources of information on the internet in one place. It will focus on milk protein allergy and babies, simply because I am writing from my own experience. I am NOT qualified or experienced on this subject - indeed I am in the dark and this is a starting point to finding out how best to feed my daughter and ensure she grows up strong and healthy. My hope is that other parents with milk allergic/lactose intolerant babies will share their experiences, tips and advice, and we can support each other.

Better go as naptime is clearly over...

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